Our Programs

If you care about your local community and want to create a change, we can help you run for office.

Candidate Recruitment

We’re leaving nearly 100,000 elections uncontested every year. We are on a mission to recruit Democrats in every district where a Republican candidate is running unopposed.

Everyday people who want to improve their communities by running for local office.

The largest down-ballot candidate recruitment program of its kind.

Anywhere Republicans are running uncontested

To reinvigorate local democracy by ensuring voters have a choice.

Local Party Support

Folks on the front lines — non-urban Democratic local parties and organizers — don’t have the support they need to win. We're changing that through our grants program. We’ve distributed over $1 million to organizing groups and are just getting started.

Local Democratic Parties and committees in rural and non-urban areas.

Funding, coaching, and tools to help register voters, recruit candidates, and get out the vote.

Non-urban communities with a county population of 700,000 or less.

In areas where Democrats are the underdogs, local parties often lack the resources needed to take their efforts to the next level.

Campaign Support

Running for local office — especially as a first-time candidate — can feel daunting. You aren’t alone. We're here to be your guide.

Candidates — especially first-timers —running for local office.

Guides, seminars, coaching, and an online community to ask questions.

Wherever candidates need support nationwide, especially in rural and non-urban areas.

To contest every race, we need candidates. For candidates to run successful campaigns, they need support.