Texas Democratic County Chair Association joins Contest Every Race campaign to leave no seat uncontested
AUSTIN — Today, Contest Every Race launched a statewide campaign to recruit Democrats to run for local office. The effort is coordinated with the Texas Democratic County Chair Association and other regional partners. This is part of a national campaign by Contest Every Race to help ensure that no Republican goes unchallenged, particularly in down-ballot races.
In what has been a difficult election outcome for Democrats across Texas and the nation, Texas Democrats are seizing the moment to ensure future successes for the 2025 election calendar. Recruiting locally relevant candidates for every seat is fundamental to creating more winnable districts in the short and long term. Ahead of the Feb 14 filing deadline, the campaign is conducting outreach to Democrats to run for City Council, Mayor, and Local School Board, with a goal to recruit at least 100 Democrats to run for office.
“In order for Democrats in rural areas to feel seen, we need to make sure candidates are running who share their values like fighting for working families and common sense solutions to the challenges we face. We will only win races when we find and support candidates who will do that in every seat of every district,” said Chair of the Texas Democratic County Chair Association Kay Parr in response to the campaign launch. “Local elections matter a great deal. By partnering with Contest Every Race to get more Democrats running for office we send an important message: we are not giving up fighting for our values and for our communities.”
“2025 is our fifth year running recruitment programs in Texas,” added Contest Every Race Director Lauren Gepford. “We’re excited to launch another mass effort to recruit and elect local candidates in non-metro areas of the state, especially in this political moment. There are no ‘off years’ and the launch of this program is a testament to our readiness.”
The recruitment program is composed of text messages and organizing meetings to identify and mobilize Democrats to run for local office. The program focuses on non-urban areas—places where the number of uncontested Republicans trends higher.
Since its inception in 2018, the Contest Every Race project has recruited over 10,000 Democrats to run for local office across the country. Contest Every Race found that Democrats failed to run in over 50% of all partisan races in 2022, a staggering figure that lays bare the bench and party-building work needed to rebuild Democratic strength in the Trump era.
To speak with leaders of Contest Every Race or the Texas Democratic County Chair Association, contact daniel@movementlabs.com.
Contest Every Race, a project of Movement Labs, recruits Democrats to run in otherwise uncontested local races and operates a national rural organizing support program.