With the holiday season upon us, we at Contest Every Race wanted to take a brief moment to recap our successes this year, where our work currently stands, and our plans heading into 2025.

First, we know that the national election results were not what we wanted. At the national level, the warning lights for our democracy are blinking, but we shouldn’t miss the ways down-ballot Democrats delivered. In fact, we think it’s through them that our best path lies. Local organizing works, and when we contest every race, we can keep MAGA extremism in check.

This isn’t pie-in-the-sky optimism or head-in-the-sand denialism. In 2024, we helped recruit 2,907 candidates across 17 states to run for local office in races where there previously was no Democrat running. 48% of those candidates won. That’s 1,408 newly elected Democrats who will march into office this upcoming year in areas where the party wasn’t even competing previously.

These candidates also showed remarkable strength in rural and swing states. 66% of our Wisconsin candidates won their election, and over 50% won in Michigan and Arkansas.

Of course, we couldn’t do this without the help of our grantee county parties. This past year, we granted over $1 million to Democratic county parties in rural and non-urban areas. In return, they drove measurable results:

  • Knocked on 1.4 million doors.
  • Made 1.3 million phone calls.
  • Canvassed 367,636 voters.
  • Completed 64,393 volunteer shifts.
  • Registered 25,719 new voters.

Even with the 2024 election over, they haven’t stopped. This month alone, our grantee parties have shown they are renewing their commitment to their communities.

In Latah County, Idaho, the local Democratic party recruited 30 volunteers to march in their community’s “Light Up the Season” parade, inspiring hope in folks excited to see that “Democrats are still here!”

[caption id="attachment_192" align="alignnone" width="1200"]

Oglethorpe County (GA) Democrats[/caption]

In Oglethorpe County, Georgia, they noticed the flag at their local library was tattered and torn. So they requested a new flag from Senator Jon Ossoff’s office and received one that previously flew over the U.S. Capitol. The local Democrats held a ceremony to show that, even after this election, our flag was still there.

And in Hunt County, Texas, they held their annual coat drive and Christmas Party. After collecting 32 coats their first year and 100 last year, this year they received over 200 coat donations.

As we turn the page to 2025, we’re reflecting on these experiences and gathering data to strengthen our efforts. Conversations with county party leaders and down-ballot candidates are helping us refine what works, what doesn’t, and where we need to double down.

We’re not backing down. We’ve already launched recruiting programs in Texas and Ohio for upcoming municipal elections, targeting mayorships, city councils, and school boards. Hundreds of people have raised their hands to say they want to step up and run to ensure that no election in their community goes uncontested.

There are no off years anymore—46 states will have more open seats in the upcoming 2025 elections than they did in 2024. Contesting every race, especially in rural communities and small towns, is the best path to a stronger, reinvigorated Democratic Party.