September 4, 2024
Press Release

Contest Every Race Endorses 42 “Democracy Defenders” Candidates Challenging Local Election Deniers in Key Battleground States

Contest Every Race today announced the endorsement of 42 candidates running against election deniers in battleground states. These first-ever endorsements from the down ballot candidate recruitment organization are part of a strategic push to ensure every MAGA extremist faces a challenger in November, and to boost Democratic vote share in rural communities. 
Contest Every Race Staff


September 4th, 2024

Contest Every Race Endorses 42 “Democracy Defenders” Candidates Challenging Local Election Deniers in Key Battleground States

Contest Every Race today announced the endorsement of 42 candidates running against election deniers in battleground states. These first-ever endorsements from the down ballot candidate recruitment organization are part of a strategic push to ensure every MAGA extremist faces a challenger in November, and to boost Democratic vote share in rural communities. 

Contest Every Race is a national organization designed to rebuild Democratic strength outside of major metro areas and ensure Democrats compete in every race. Democrats left 32% of races uncontested in the top seven swing states in 2022, compared to just 13% by Republicans. This discrepancy is unacceptable. 

The work of Contest Every Race to recruit down ballot candidates where Democrats historically haven’t competed was featured today on the front page of the New York Times

Fired up and ready to bring their case to voters, the Contest Every Race “Democracy Defenders” slate are running to ensure voters have a choice on the ballot and aren't forced to vote for an election subverting extremist.. Candidates are seeing heightened enthusiasm, increased volunteer engagement, and public debate in their districts—momentum that is poised to boost Democratic turnout in rural districts in swing states to help Democrats win at the top of the ticket. 

  • 60% of the endorsed candidates are women
  • A majority of these candidates are running for office for the first time 
  • 14 candidates in Arizona 
  • 7 candidates in Georgia
  • 6 candidates in Michigan 
  • 6 candidates in Pennsylvania
  • 6 candidates in Wisconsin 
  • 3 candidates in North Carolina

Candidates are speaking on a press call TODAY, 9/4 at 6pm ET. Details here. 

By ensuring these races are contested, Contest Every Race aims to curb the spread of election denialism, bring accountability to these crucial down ballot offices and increase enthusiasm and excitement for Democrats to turn out to vote. This historic slate of endorsements comes just 62 days before the Presidential election, where many local officials who play a key role administering elections are also on the ballot. The majority of these election deniers went unopposed in their last general election campaign.  

Contest Every Race relied on the Election Threat Index to determine who is an election denier. Public Wise - a non-partisan voting rights and democracy organization - carefully monitored policy positions, sponsored legislation, letters of support and voter suppression efforts in service of “The Big Lie” to compile the index. 

Lauren Gepford, Contest Every Race Exec. Director and Former Exec. Director of the Missouri Democratic Party, celebrated the candidates: 

 “We’re proud to back 42 candidates, many of whom emerged from our recruitment programs, to take on election deniers who previously ran unopposed. These candidates are everyday heroes—nurses, teachers, small business owners, democracy defenders—who are running to protect their communities from the toxic influence of MAGA extremism.”

Rebekah Moore, Candidate for State House District 167 in Georgia, commented:

“As a first-time candidate, the support from Contest Every Race has been crucial in helping me navigate the complexities of running for political office. As an army veteran, I took an oath to the constitution, and I am disturbed by my opponents’ disregard for our democratic values. No one who tries to subvert the will of the voters and deny the results of a legitimate election should hold public office. We serve at the will of the people. I’ve fought for this country once and I’m willing to fight for it again.”

To schedule an interview with Contest Every Race Director Lauren Gepford or endorsed candidates, or for more information, please contact:

Daniel Jubelirer
Communications Director, Contest Every Race
(919) 619-5795


About Contest Every Race
Founded in 2018, Contest Every Race has recruited over 7,500 candidates to run for local office, with a win rate of 38%. Contest Every Race is a national organization dedicated to recruiting and supporting Democratic candidates to run for local office. By focusing on rural and local elections, Contest Every Race is strengthening democracy at the grassroots level and ensuring every community has the representation it deserves.