Nancy Hartl

for State Representative District 7
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Why are you running for office?

I've been very civically involved over last 2-3 years and worked in early voting office. I remember hearing Liz Cheney saying we are sleepwalking into a dictatorship. I was on a commission looking to recruit people to run, but when we had trouble finding someone, I figured I've got enough experience to give it a shot- so I did. So far I've received so much positive feedback from voters who are elated to see representation on the ballot.

What issues or causes in your community are most important to you?

1) Protecting democracy

2) Building a strong economy

3) Fighting for women's rights


David Marshall

Has repeatedly advocated for the unsubstantiated idea that the 2020 election was marred by widespread fraud, including the claim that around 8.1 million votes were cast fraudulently. Casting doubt on election integrity was a central part of his campaign platform.