Monica Timberlake

for State Representative District 30
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Why are you running for office?

I've been a school board member for four terms, and my initial reason for running for school board was to fix our education system. When I got in there I realized all the changes we wanted to make were decided by the state legislature, so that's why I'm running for state-level office. In addition to that, after my daughter had to travel 90 minutes for the closest maternal care, I witnessed how so many of our resources in rural communities like mine are inadequate. Your zip code shouldn't determine your quality of life, and I hope to change that.

What issues or causes in your community are most important to you?

1) Healthcare

2) Education

3) Climate change/the environment


Leo Biasiucci

Co-sponsored HCR 2033, a legislative resolution to decertify Arizona’s presidential electors in 2020 based on lies about vote tampering in the presidential election.

Signed onto a letter to Congress asking that 11 alternate electors be accepted for Trump, or alternatively to nullify all of Arizona’s electoral votes pending an audit of the election.

Attended a daylong hearing with Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis in November 2020, where they perpetuated misinformation and conspiracy theories about the 2020 election outcome.