Kimberly Titlebaum

for State Representative District 80
North Carolina
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Why are you running for office?

I have been an active democrat since I was a teenager, but never ran for office until on the last day of filing the person who was supposed to wasn't able to and I got asked. There's a lot on the line, from a woman's right to choose to economic equality, so I knew I had to get my name on the ballot. 

What issues or causes in your community are most important to you?

1) Election administration

2) Abortion/reproductive rights

3) Jobs/economic opportunity


Sam Watford

Signed on to a letter calling for a national audit of the “corrupted 2020 election because of alleged fraud and inaccuracies.”

Co-sponsored HB 303, which would reduce the number of early one-stop voting days.

If a national audit had taken place due to elected officials claiming the 2020 election was corrupt, the public’s trust in the US’s electoral process would have been undermined and election denial would have been validated on the national stage. It also would have set a dangerous precedent for future presidential elections.