Joy Banks

for Cochise County Supervisor
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Why are you running for office?

I'm running for office because it is unacceptable that our votes get held hostage like they did back in 2022 under Republican leadership. The disregard for our free and fair elections was the last straw for me. I also am running so we never again waste funding from the federal government, which happened with COVID relief funds- again, under Republican leadership- that could have helped our community when we needed it the most.

What issues or causes in your community are most important to you?

1) Respecting our laws and protecting our elections.

2) Handling immigration at the border through a public safety lens.

3) Addressing the shortage in potable water.


Peggy Judd (Incumbent, not seeking re-election)

Judd was present at the January 6th insurrection and is an adherent of QAnon conspiracy theories.

Refused to certify Cochise County results of the 2022 election, claiming widespread fraud in other counties prevented her from certifying any results.

Judd is now under investigation by Arizona’s Attorney General for violating election law.

Voted in 2023 to hire an avowed election denier as the County Elections Director, replacing a respected non-partisan professional who quit after refusing to authorize a hand-recount during the 2022 election.