John McLean

for State Senate District 17
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Why are you running for office?

I'm a business-owner and  running for State Senate to restore the true essence of public service, where legislators put the communities' interests above their own. Specifically, we need to put healthcare decisions in the hands of women who make them, not politicians. I'm also running to build smart water policy based on conservation and not waste. Lastly, we need to faily compensate our educators.

What issues or causes in your community are most important to you?

1) Women's rights, especially in regards to healthcare

2) Sustainable sources for healthy drinking water

3) Compensating educators fairly


Justine Wadsack (Incumbent, not seeking re-election)

Claimed that the 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent and the 2020 state Senate election she lost was invalid. Denied the validity of the 2022 election.

In a two-way race in 2022, Wadsack won the seat with 63,501 votes, or 51.2%. She won 3,081 more votes than her Democrat opponent.