Emily Tseffos

for State Representative District 56
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Why are you running for office?

I'm a teacher, chair of my County Democratic Party, and a mom. I represent all voters who believe our children and young people deserve to grow up in a safe, democratic, and prosperous country. I want to better my community for them. Knowing it has been years since the residents of this district had responsive leadership, I decided it was my time to take the leap of running for office.

What issues or causes in your community are most important to you?

1) Abortion/reproductive rights

2) Education

3) Jobs/economic opportunity


Dave Murphy

Murphy published social media posts questioning the validity of the 2020 election. Traveled to Arizona to observe the Arizona hand ballot recounts where he told reporters that he would like to see Wisconsin’s Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) incorporate an Arizona-style review of ballots into an ongoing audit of election processes it was conducting.