Deborah Howard

for State Representative District 27
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Why are you running for office?

I've been a community advocate for a long time, and I'm passionate about issues that I feel I can make the most impact on at the state level. We don't need people wasting our time by denying elections, we need people in office who actually listen to voters. I am running to help preserve the health of our democracy.

What issues or causes in your community are most important to you?

1) Education

2) Protecting our elections

3) Reproductive rights


Kevin Payne (Incumbent, not seeking re-election)

Signed onto a January 5, 2021 letter to Vice President Pence urging him to halt certification of the electoral college.

Signed onto a letter to Congress asking that 11 alternate electors be accepted for Trump, or alternatively to nullify all of Arizona’s electoral votes pending an audit of the election.